Community News

Foodbank rally to combine exercise and donations to local foodbank

Barnet locals are invited to bring food and toiletry items for Finchley Food Bank and walk, run or cycle a two kilometre route to donate them

Pairs of feet running on a road
Photo by Miguel A Amutio on Unsplash

Sociable exercise group GoodGym are inviting Barnet locals to join their Food Bank Rally on Tuesday 9th April, by running, walking or cycling a 2 kilometre route, ending with a donation of food or toiletries for Finchley Food Bank.

The rally starts at 6.45pm at Phoenix Cinema at 52 High Road, East Finchley, London, N2 9PJ and ends at Finchley Food Bank at 279 High Road, East Finchley, London N2 8HG.

Those wishing to take part should bring along tinned or dry food, toiletries or healthcare items to the run. Attendees can walk, cycle, or run the distance of the rally before donating their food and toiletries at the end.

Good Gym is dedicated to combining exercise with supporting the local community. Every week, members gather to get active and lend a helping hand to charities and community projects across Barnet.

More details and registration can be found at

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