
Royal Free London Trust cares for 83 patients with Covid-19 in hospital

The trust which runs Barnet Hospital and the Royal Free was caring for 83 patients with coronavirus in hospital as of last Sunday reports Andrew Dowdeswell, Data Reporter

Two hospital staff members pushing a trolley through a doorway.
Across England, there were 3,814 people in hospital with Covid as of January 14th – (Credit – Radar)

Royal Free London Trust was caring for 83 patients with coronavirus in hospital as of Sunday, figures show.

NHS England data shows the number of people being treated in hospital with Covid-19 by 8am on January 14th was up from 74 on the same day the previous week.

Across England, there were 3,814 people in hospital with Covid as of January 14th.

Nationally, the number of hospital patients with Covid-19 has increased by 12% in the last four weeks.

The figures also show that 38 new patients with Covid were admitted to hospital in Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust in the week to January 12th.

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