Community News News

Tree planting deadline approaches

Those wishing to sponsor the planting of an ‘instant impact’ street tree in Barnet have until 3rd December to pick their spot

A london street with trees
Photo by Igor Sporynin on Unsplash

Over the past year, Barnet Council, in partnership with Trees for Streets, has welcomed 170 new trees to the community, advancing its mission to achieve Net Zero by 2042. 

Residents, business and local groups sponsor the planting of trees their neighbourhood.

The deadline for winter planting is Sunday 3rd of December.

Those wishing to sponsor a tree should visit Trees For Streets before the deadline and select a preferred planting location from an interactive map.

The council will then survey the chosen location to make sure it is suitable for planting.

Once approved, an ‘instant impact’ tree will be planted this winter, typically seven years old plus and three to four metres in height.

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