Community News

Barnet schools saving the environment one tree at a time

Pupils in the borough learned about the difference they can make on JUST ONE tree day

A small sapling pushes through orange soil
Photo by Syahrin Seth on Unsplash

Over 40 Barnet schools led the way in saving the environment by signing up to take part in JUST ONE Tree Day, which returned for the fifth year on 13 October 2023. 

On JUST ONE Tree day, schools across the world take part in a ‘wear something green’ or a non-uniform day and take part in activities about the environment, while also raising funds to plant trees across the world.

Local resident, Amanda Bronkhorst, started JUST ONE Tree to help mitigate climate change by planting trees where they can have the most impact on global warming.  To date, the social enterprise has been responsible for the planting of over 3 million trees, of which over a quarter of a million trees have been planted by children through JUST ONE Tree Day.

A teacher from Deansbrook Infant School, Mill Hill, said of the day: “All the children came to school wearing green, brown and blue.  In assembly the children learnt about all the amazing things that trees do for us such as providing oxygen, being a shelter for plants and animals, helping to keep the planet cooler and many more.”

A map showing all of the schools across Barnet, and the world, who took part can be found at the JUST ONE Tree website.

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