
FareShare and Tesco offer free food to Barnet charities

Food redistribution charity Fareshare urges local charities and community groups to apply to receive surplus food from local Tesco stores

A person prepares food in a professional kitchen

FareShare, the UK’s largest food redistribution charity, is calling for charities and community groups in Barnet  to join the thousands already receiving regular donations from local supermarkets.

Organisations interested in receiving free surplus food from their local Tesco store can register interest on the FareShare website:

Every day across the UK FareShare Go connects local communities to Tesco stores in their area with surplus food. The FareShare Go programme provides desperately needed resources for frontline organisations and helps to prevent quality food from being wasted and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

Katie Sadler, Head of FareShare Go, said: “Through our FareShare Go scheme, we work closely with Tesco to ensure that food ends up on people’s plates rather than going to waste. 

“There are millions of people across the UK struggling to put food on the table and so I would urge any organisation helping to support their local communities to sign up to FareShare Go and access free surplus food from Tesco.”

All Tesco stores across the UK redistribute quality surplus food, via FareShare Go, at the end of the day to be turned into meals or food parcels for people in the community. Tesco currently redistributes two million meals’ worth of food each month and organisations in Barnet  are being urged to register for the programme.

Tony McElroy, Head of Campaigns at Tesco, said: “The aim of our partnership with FareShare is to make sure no food goes to waste in our stores and to help make a difference to the lives of people in communities we serve across the UK. If you need more help and support for your group or charity, please get in touch and sign up for Community Food Connection.”

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