Community News

Barnet gardeners invited to annual seed swap

Incredible Edible Barnet are holding their annual seed swapping event on Sunday 3rd March

Seedlings in planters
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Incredible Edible Barnet are holding their  annual seed swapping event on Sunday 3rd March between 2pm and 4pm at St John’s URC church, Somerset Road entrance, New Barnet.

The event is suitable for anyone who would like to save money on seeds, try new plants and who would like to meet some lovely local food growers and gardeners from your community. They also promise there will be cake.

There is no need to book.  

Attendees should: 

  • Bring along spare seeds or small plants – whether veg, herbs, fruit or flowers saved or sown, a packet no longer wanted or cuttings from a garden. They will also welcome any gardening bits and bobs that are looking for a new home – all swaps welcome.
  • Swap what is brought with someone else.
  • Take home new seeds, plants and stuff for free.

There will be plenty to share.

Seeds or plants should be packaged up and labelled in advance, but there will be some pens and envelopes on hand to make small seed packets on the day.

St John’s URC church, Somerset Road entrance, New Barnet, EN5 1RH

email: [email protected]

facebook @IncredibleEdibleBarnet, 

x/twitter @IncEdibleBarnet, 

instagram @Haveagrow

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