Community News

40 people went to sow a meadow

Dave McCormick on a sustainability event at a Woodside Park school

Volunteers sowing seeds at Frith Manor Primary School in Woodside Park
Volunteers sowing seeds at Frith Manor Primary School in Woodside Park – (Credit – Dave McCormick)

On a sunny October afternoon 40 adults and children went to sow a meadow at Frith Manor Primary School in Woodside Park. The Finchley N3, N12 Pollinator Project, a local volunteer group aiming to improve the habitat so pollinators can thrive, organised the planting, which is part of their autumn 2023 initiative called Buzzy Bulbs and Meadows.

With great leadership from Scarlett Weston of Buglife ‘s London pollinator project called Get London Buzzing, we found out how to scarify the grassy ground so about 50% of it is removed, mix seeds with sharp sand, scatter the seeds and stomp them in so they get contact with the soil. Then we got to work and in 2 hours the 75sqm meadow was planted.

With some loving care and attention, a habitat for our precious pollinators will grow over the coming years.

As is often the case at community gardening events we had lovely conversations, made new connections, did some exercise, and had fun. One parent said they were worried that their children would get bored, but the kids got stuck in, sowed seeds and insisted on staying until the end.

Thanks go to the school, its Parent Teacher Association and caretaker, Buglife and the Finchley N3, N12 Pollinator Project for making the day possible.

There’s lots more events coming up for you to join including a webinar on Monday October 16th at 7pm where you can learn about how to create a wildflower-rich mini meadow, perfect for pollinators – on your balcony, in your garden and in public spaces.

The children at the event loved helping nature thrive – we need many more places across Barnet and London where we can give nature a helping hand, improve our well-being and re-learn how to grow our own food.

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