Comment News

Letters – Finchley schools and RACC

A Finchley resident gives his views on the school concrete crisis

Mike Freer, Conservative MP for Finchley and Golders Green
Finchley and Golders Green MP Mike Freer “chose to cut funds for school repairs” – (Credit – Mike Freer MP)

Dear Barnet Post,

As a local resident, and parent of three school age children, I have been horrified to watch the RAAC crisis unfold this week. 

My children’s schools have not been affected but I know many others in Finchley who have not been so lucky. Speaking to other parents, none of us can understand how the government could be so reckless with our children’s safety and education. 

Why did they wait until the start of term to act? Should the safety of our children at school really be a question of luck?

It’s a disgrace and a scandal.

Blame lies squarely at the door of this government, and our local MP, who chose to cut funds for school repairs and kept parents in the dark. 

What a mess. 

Nick O’D. Finchley N3.

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