
Mike Freer resigns from government

Finchley and Golders Green MPs asks what Mrs Thatcher would have done
By David Floyd

I can no longer defend policies I fundamentally disagree with - Mike Freer
I can no longer defend policies I fundamentally disagree with – Mike Freer

Finchley and Golders Green MP, Mike Freer, has resigned from the government saying: “I can no longer defend policies I fundamentally disagree with.”

The now former minister for exports, who had an additional role as minister for equalities, quit this afternoon despite appearing on the front bench during prime minister’s questions earlier in the day.

He said: “I feel we are moving away from the One Nation Conservative Party I joined, not least in creating a hostile atmosphere for LGBT+ people”.

Citing the legacy of previous MP for the area, he added: “Representing Finchley and Golders Green, I have to ask myself what Mrs Thatcher would have done. I have decided I must prioritise the diverse constituency of Finchley and Golders Green, One Nation Conservatism as well as my passion for equalities.”

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