Interviews News

Colindale independent candidate’s ‘positive approach’ to local politics

Election candidate Marcin Nocek says residents are put off by party politics
By Simon Allin, Local Democracy Reporter

Colindale North candidate Marcin Nocek
Colindale North candidate Marcin Nocek

An independent candidate is standing in Colindale North to improve his local area by helping residents and the council communicate better.Marcin Nocek, who lives on Grahame Park Estate, said he is not interested in the political “blame game” and stressed that as a local resident he has a “real understanding” of the issues the area faces.Marcin has published a manifesto on his website setting out his policies on waste management, shops, arts projects and social housing.Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service ahead of local election on 5th May, he said: “I believe the local elections should be for local people and local candidates in the area. It is not about winning or losing in a safe seat, it is about improving your own place.”Marcin wants to provide more street bins to discourage littering and promote recycling, more frequent street cleaning, and to bring back residents’ recycling bins.He is also calling for more activities and events such as arts and music projects; for closed shops to be reopened so they can be used by the community; and for more social housing and the protection of vulnerable tenants.Marcin said he wants to improve communication between residents and the council, claiming many people do not know who to contact when they have problems.“I am standing to get a more positive approach and stop blaming other parties,” he said, adding that he did not just want to criticise the council but to “help residents communicate with Barnet Council better and give different ideas”.Marcin hopes this approach will help to create alternative plans to tackle parking problems, encourage people to recycle more and revitalise areas by providing space for pop-up shops and social enterprises.

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