
St Mary-at-Finchley announce Christmas events 

In the run up to Christmas, St Mary-at-Finchley will be holding a calendar of events

An illustration of two birds perched on a festive post box

St Mary-at-Finchley, 26 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1TR, have announced their calendar of events leading up to Christmas this year.

Tuesday 12th December at 2pm

Christmas carol service in association with Barnet Mencap and St Mary’s Finchley Primary School with the choir of St Mary-at-Finchley. Organist Tim Hooper, directed by Alison Smart Fisher. This is an interactive service lasting c. 45 mins and all are welcome. Entry is free. All welcome. Retiring collection for the St Mary-at-Finchley Christmas Charities.

Wednesday 13th December 4pm

Switching on of Christmas Lights and Dedication of Outdoor Crib with carols and hot chocolate.

Sunday 17th December at 6pm Carols by Candlelight

Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols with the choirs of St Mary-at-Finchley and organist Tim Hooper, directed by Alison Smart Fisher. Lasts 1 hour. Entry is free. With retiring collection for the St Mary-at-Finchley Christmas charities.

Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve) at 5pm. Crib Service.

Relaxed family service lasting c.45 mins, focusing on the Crib and the birth of the baby Jesus. Enjoy singing traditional carols, accompanied by the organ (Lamgie Yip, organ scholar). All welcome. Entry is free, retiring collection for St Mary-at-Finchley Christmas charities.

Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve) at 11.30pm

Midnight Mass of the Nativity: traditional eucharist service to welcome the Christchild. Lasts c. 1 hour. With the Choir, and organist Damon Ying. Directed by Alison Smart Fisher. Entry free. With Retiring collection for the St Mary-at-Finchley Christmas charities.

Monday 25th December (Christmas Day) at 10am

Parish Eucharist for Christmas Day, with sermon, carols and more. Lasts c. 1 hour. With the choir, and organist Damon Ying, directed by Alison Smart Fisher.

For more details see:

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