
Residents invited to suggest local issues for scrutiny

Barnet Council has launched a consultation to allow people to suggest local topics for scrutiny by one of its committees, reports Grace Howarth, Local Democracy Reporter

Barnet residents are being asked to share their thoughts on which local issues need scrutinising. 

Barnet Council has launched a consultation this week to allow people to register local issues that are “important to you and the wider local community” and local services that “could or should be improved”. 

The consultation closes on 28th February, following which topics agreed will form part of the overview and scrutiny committee’s work programme for the year ahead. The programme itself will be published in June.

The role of the overview and scrutiny committee is to review performance and examine decisions taken by cabinet, the council’s decision-making body. 

The council states: “Overview and scrutiny has powers to scrutinise and make recommendations about council services and public service organisations e.g. the NHS, police or housing associations, as they too have a significant impact on the wellbeing of the population.”

Residents who live, work, or study in Barnet, wanting to suggest topics, are asked to fill in a questionnaire on the council’s website.

The form asks residents to describe the topic they want reviewed, explain why it’s important to the community, and what outcome they want, once the topic is reviewed. 

The council adds: “ Scrutiny is not able to look at individual complaints but will review issues that affect residents across the borough.”

For further information and to take part in the consultation:
Visit Suggest a topic for a scrutiny review 2025 | Engage Barnet

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