
Candidate statement: Helen Spiby-Vann

The Christian People’s Alliance candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet

Helen Spiby-Vann, Christian People's Alliance candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet
Helen Spiby-Vann, Christian People’s Alliance candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet

Wouldn’t it be great if our sons understood how heroic it is to be a good father and a devoted husband? 

This is my prayer. I have been campaigning for marriage for years. Strong marriages are the foundation of a strong society.

Sadly family breakdown wrecks lives and costs the nation about £51billion annually. Relationship breakdown is a driver of crime, domestic abuse, poor educational outcomes, child poverty and homelessness to name a few. 

There’s a sobering correlation between kids with absentee fathers and protracted caps on their chromosomes signaling trauma. 

Christian Peoples Alliance would turn this around with a renewed moral vision. For too long, couples have enjoyed tax breaks and state benefits by remaining unmarried. We are the only party that recognizes the value of marriage to society and we have policies that incentivise couples to get married and choose to stay married. 

The CPA would give a £12,000 grant upon a first marriage on condition the couple goes for 5 sessions of relationship training where they would learn how to build a resilient relationship. Conflict resolution skills and anger management also. 

Then a £6,000 grant on the birth of their first child. We recognize parents come under financial pressure but as a society we value their contribution greatly. 

To fund our grants we would raise £40billion on a 5% turnover tax on multinationals currently avoiding paying their fair share to the UK. We would abolish commercial rates for UK businesses. This would help stop store closures and revitalise our town centres.

Statements from five other candidates: Dawn Barnes – Liberal Democrats, Naz Panju – Conservatives, Dino Philippos – Workers Party, Fabio Vollono – Green Party and Catherine West – Labour.

Barnet Post approached Reform UK candidate Navdeep Singh for a statement but we have not received one.

Note: Barnet Post approached all candidates for the borough’s seats and offered them the opportunity to make a 250-word statement. The purpose of these statements is to give voters the clearest possible understanding of the perspectives of people who are asking for their support. In doing this, we acknowledge that some views expressed my cause offence and distress and apologise if this is the case.

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