
Candidate statement: Dino Philippos

The Workers Party candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet

Dino Philipos, Workers Party candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet, with party leader George Galloway
Dino Philipos, Workers Party candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet, with party leader George Galloway (left)

I, Dino Philippos, stand to stop our involvement with genocide in Gaza and NATO war escalation in Europe that could lead to nuclear catastrophe and wipe out the human race. 

The Conservative-Labour warmongers want military conscription, more austerity, higher prices and more privatisation. Stop them! Demand peace, jobs, housing, low prices for electricity, food, water and transport! Children die in Gaza from bombs and our child-poverty is increasing!

Taxpayers’ money wasted on killing people in Gaza and Ukraine could build, equip and staff hospitals! Demand free education and end tuition fees! Demand lower tax for working people and start taxes for big companies. Fix roads and give children free school meals!

Services for elderly, disabled and vulnerable groups must be prioritised not War! Prioritise life not death! Demand all we deserve because workers create wealth and provide services yet are poorer now than 30 years ago! Vote for change!

Help defeat the parties of war and poverty! Stop the suffering by Labour and Conservative governments that abandoned our community for inequality of an unjust system. Enough is enough! Time for change!

We deserve better and will not tolerate corruption we see and lies we hear. I am not a career-politician, my roots are in community life. I will serve with responsibility for the well-being of humanity and protection of our futures. Vote for Peace & Change! on 4th July! 

Statements from five other candidates: Dawn Barnes – Liberal Democrats, Naz Panju – Conservatives, Helen Spiby-Vann – Christian People’s Alliance, Fabio Vollono – Green Party and Catherine West – Labour.

Barnet Post approached Reform UK candidate Navdeep Singh for a statement but we have not received one.

Note: Barnet Post approached all candidates for the borough’s seats and offered them the opportunity to make a 250-word statement. The purpose of these statements is to give voters the clearest possible understanding of the perspectives of people who are asking for their support. In doing this, we acknowledge that some views expressed my cause offence and distress and apologise if this is the case.

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