
Candidate statement: Theresa Villiers

The Conservative candidate for Chipping Barnet

Headshot of Theresa Villiers, Conservative MP for Chipping Barnet
Theresa Villiers, Conservative candidate for Chipping Barnet – (Credit –

You’ve seen the polls. If Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister, your values and priorities will need a voice. You’ll need an MP who will stand up to a Labour Government and stand up to Sadiq Khan.

A Labour MP wouldn’t do that, but I will.

Over the last 19 years, I’ve worked with local people to get things done for Barnet. Protecting the green belt, stopping Sadiq Khan building flats over station car parks, saving local nursery schools under threat, delivering more police, GP appointments and apprenticeships – we’ve made progress. But there’s more to be done.

We must fight anti-car measures from Sadiq Khan, like Ulez expansion and new bus lanes. We must stop him selling off Barnet police station because we need police to be visible and present in our community. We can’t afford a Labour MP who’s on Sadiq Khan’s side, not ours.

I will stand up for our values: lower taxes, more police, common sense in classrooms, and expanding the NHS.

If you vote Labour or Reform here and give Keir Starmer a supermajority, do you think he’ll listen to you? You’d be handing Labour a blank cheque to do whatever they want, courtesy of your savings, maybe for ten years or even longer.

Reform can’t speak up for you because they are highly unlikely to win any seats. To guarantee that you’ll have a voice in the next Parliament please give me your vote on 4th July. I will always be on your side.

Here is an overview of the contest and statements from five other candidates: Mark Durrant – Liberal Democrats, David Farbey – Green Party, Hamish Haddow – Reform UK, Richard Hewison – Rejoin EU and Dan Tomlinson – Labour.

Barnet Post approached Independent Kay Lauer for a statement but did not received a response.

Note: Barnet Post approached all candidates for the borough’s seats and offered them the opportunity to make a 250-word statement. The purpose of these statements is to give voters the clearest possible understanding of the perspectives of people who are asking for their support. In doing this, we acknowledge that some views expressed my cause offence and distress and apologise if this is the case.

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