Thank you for considering supporting Barnet Post

A photo of a pile of Barnet Post
Photo: Penny Dampier

We want to produce more local journalism, locally, and to give more people the chance to read it. 

Our aim over the next year is to get to the point where we have a dedicated local editor for Barnet Post, based in a (small, inexpensive) local office. If 500 people sign up as supporters, making a small monthly donation, we can make that happen.

Even with the challenges facing local news, this is not impossible. We are already doing it in other boroughs but we need your help to do it in Barnet.  

A £7.00 per month supporter subscription will:

Guarantee you get your Barnet Post delivered to you each month via Royal Mail

Help us to bring more news to people in Barnet

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Sign up easily and simply to a monthly Direct Debit using gocardless. You can cancel any time.

We want to keep local newspapers alive.

Your help will make it possible.

£7 per month individual supporter subscription

name in print and online,

pin badge,

tote bag,

paper posted to you every month & digital copy by email

billed monthly via Direct Debit

Other supporter packages are available

About supporter payments

Our supporter direct debits are processed by GoCardless.

Payments are taken each month. You can stop your direct debit at any time.

Frequently asked questions

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Email [email protected] with any membership queries.