
Candidate statement: Alex Deane

The Conservative candidate for Finchley and Golders Green

Alex Deane, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Finchley & Golders Green
Alex Deane, Conservative Party candidate for Finchley and Golders Green

I am standing to be your next MP because I decided that I could not stand idly by while Mike Freer, an exceptional MP, has been driven out of public life having endured numerous death threats and our association office being set on fire.

I want to continue Mike’s legacy. My priorities if elected are as follows:

You come first. If our area has a problem, I will escalate it to the highest level, regardless of party line. I am committed to championing local needs in Westminster, ensuring that your views shape the decisions that impact you.

You deserve to feel safe where you live. I will lobby the mayor for policing for enhanced funding to crack down on antisocial behaviour and the scourge of antisemitism. I also pledge to lend my support to each of you if your concerns are not taken seriously by the Police.

You deserve a home. I will work with local partners to ensure local developments are supported by the appropriate infrastructure and enhance our area. Brent Cross Town is an example of getting this right.

You deserve a choice over your children’s education. Labour’s plan to impose VAT on the 36 independent schools in Barnet is an attack on parental choice, aspiration and faith schools. I want to fight this erroneous policy.

I recognise these are challenging times for my party, but I ask for your trust in my commitment to our area and to the traditional conservative values that will make our communities and country thrive.

You can read an overview of the contest here and statements six of the other candidates as follows: Brendan Donnelly – Rejoin EU, Sarah Hoyle – Liberal Democrats, Katharine Murphy – Party of Women, Steve Parsons – Green Party, Bepi Pezzulli – Reform UK and Sarah Sackman – Labour.

Barnet Post approached Independent candidate Michael Shad for a statement but we have not received one.

Note: Barnet Post approached all candidates for the borough’s seats and offered them the opportunity to make a 250-word statement. The purpose of these statements is to give voters the clearest possible understanding of the perspectives of people who are asking for their support. In doing this, we acknowledge that some views expressed my cause offence and distress and apologise if this is the case.

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