
Advertisement: Meet Hamish Haddow – Your Reform UK Candidate for Chipping Barnet

Hamish Haddow

Chipping Barnet is gearing up for the next parliamentary election, and I, Hamish Haddow, am honoured to stand before you as the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. I am eager to share my background, my journey, and the reasons I am passionately representing this vibrant community.

A Journey Rooted in Experience

Born in Zimbabwe but raised in Kent, my life’s journey has taken me to various parts of the world, before settling in Hertfordshire, near Chipping Barnet.  With a Business Degree and thirty years of experience in IT Management, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical skills to this candidacy.

My wife and I have made Hertfordshire our home, raising our three children and becoming deeply involved in the local community. I am an active member of the local rugby club, the local church, and engage in various charitable activities. My commitment to the community is unwavering, and I am dedicated to making a positive impact.

A Vision for a Better Future

My personal vision is rooted in a simple yet profound belief: when I shuffle off this mortal coil, I want to have left this country in a better state than when my grandparents left it. This drives my commitment to making tangible, positive changes in our society.

The decision to stand for Reform UK was not taken lightly. My father was a Conservative Councillor for Holborn, and my family has always supported the Tories. However, over the years, I have felt increasingly betrayed by a party that no longer represents my patriotic and conservative values. The uncontrolled migration, the reckless spending, and the neglect of British residents, especially our retired servicemen, have compelled me to take a stand. I believe that our great nation deserves better, and it is time to put British people first.

A Deep Connection to Chipping Barnet

Chipping Barnet holds a special place in my heart. I worked for the Barnet Council, and I know the area intimately. I am related to Thomas Ravenscroft, buried in St John the Baptist church. My grandparents lived here before moving to Kent, and I have fond memories of the high street, St John’s, Hadley Common, and St Mary’s. These places and the people who call them home have so much to be proud of.

Addressing Pressing Issues

As your candidate, I see several pressing issues that need immediate attention. The condition of our roads, with some of the worst potholes in the country, is unacceptable. The financial mismanagement and lack of accountability within our councils must be addressed. Antisemitism is rampant, and this cannot be tolerated. We must also tackle the broader issues of crime, illegal migration, and the erosion of our British values and history.

Hamish Haddow

A Commitment to Community Safety and Prosperity

I am committed to a comprehensive plan to enhance community safety, improve local infrastructure, and support the Jewish community. By reopening local police stations, increasing visible policing, and ensuring robust infrastructure improvements, I aim to make Barnet a safer and more prosperous place for all. I will stand firm against hate marches and enhance protection for synagogues and Jewish schools, ensuring that every resident feels safe and valued.

Building a Better Barnet Together

Together, we can build a safer, stronger Barnet. I am here to serve you, to listen to your concerns, and to work tirelessly for the betterment of our community. Thank you for your support.

Vote for change, Vote Reform.

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