
Phone-snatching, car theft and the horrific stabbing in North Finchley – residents tell me they need a change

Labour candidate for Finchley and Golders Green Sarah Sackman on tackling crime and anti-social behaviour

Sarah Sackman - Labour candidate for Finchley and Golders Green
Sarah Sackman

Rishi Sunak’s decision to call a snap election took all of us by surprise but my overriding feeling was of huge relief.

Relief that, on 4th July, we as a country will have the opportunity to put some really tough years behind us. Relief that we will have the chance to vote for change. And relief that we now have the opportunity to address serious issues affecting the local community, including rising crime and anti-social behaviour.

From my conversations on doorsteps, I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.

We’ve all noticed the increase in phones being snatched out of people’s hands, and regular, brazen drug-dealing in our parks and playgrounds. In particular, the recent stabbing in North Finchley has shaken our community. I am pleased that the police have acted swiftly and diligently in response. 

But we should be able to rely on the police whenever we need – not only when lives are at risk. Residents no longer hold out much hope when reporting a phone or car theft. There aren’t enough officers to go around, and budgets have been slashed over the last decade. I speak to people who have had their cars stolen from their drives, only to have the case closed five minutes after reporting.

This happens across the board: after 14 years of Conservative government, 90% of crimes go unsolved.

This epidemic of anti-social behaviour, this lack of care and attention to our streets and neighbourhoods, is not unavoidable. Nor is it the fault of our policemen and women, who themselves work incredibly hard with dwindling resources.  

This Conservative government has neglected its duty to keep us safe – and our communities are suffering the consequences. Rather than invest in policing, or youth services, we are now advised to keep our phones in our pockets due to the threat of mugging. 

Funding for local government has nearly halved. Our Labour councillors are doing the best they can in the face of huge challenges, but we need a central government that’s on our side.

In the vacuum left by the Conservatives, our community and local council have been working to rebuild a sense of safety and trust between neighbours. Our Labour councillors brought back the Community Skips Service, which is reducing fly-tipping, and I’ve been litter-picking with the Dollis Brookers. 

These actions matter and if elected, I’ll be able to do more and empower others to do more too.

But communities need support, not a government that thinks someone else will shoulder the burden. That’s why I’m relieved we have a chance to change things for the better. 

I am proud to represent a Labour Party that takes pride in our places and people, and that is committed to investing in them and keeping them safe in order for them to thrive.

If Labour wins the election, Keir Starmer will put 13,000 more neighbourhood police and community support officers on our streets. We will crack down on anti-social behaviour through tough new respect orders and criminal sanctions. 

He understands, as I do, that working together at all levels is what will make our communities thrive again. That means investing in the police and justice system and acknowledging and addressing the realities of why people turn to crime in the first place. 

We must be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime. In 14 years the Tories have not managed either. On 4th July, we can start to turn the tide with a Labour Party that will do both.

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