
New Barnet mayor praised for his ‘kindness and patience’

Labour councillor Tony Vourou will represent the borough in the civic role for the 2024/25 term of office, reports Grace Howarth, Local Democracy Reporter

Tony Vourou receives his chains of office as Barnet's new mayor (credit Barnet Council)
Tony Vourou receives his chains of office as Barnet’s new mayor (credit Barnet Council)

New Barnet mayor Tony Vourou has been praised for his “kindness, patience, and passion to champion diversity”.

The Brunswick Park ward councillor was elected as the mayor of Barnet for 2024/25 at the council’s annual general meeting last night (Tuesday 21st), with Danny Rich being elected as deputy.

Cllr Vourou, who served as the deputy mayor for the last year, said he was humbled to have been elected and thanked his family, councillors “across the chamber” and the borough’s residents. 

The Labour councillor said: “In this chamber there are 63 elected council members, we are all elected by the residents of Barnet, and they put their trust in us to meet, debate and achieve the best outcomes for our Barnet residents. 

“As mayor I will endeavour to guide the meetings to be fair, and hope the meetings will continue to be robust in discussion, respectful in practice and successful in outcomes to the best of our ability whatever our political colour.”

Cllr Vourou chose three good causes to support during his tenure; Macmillan Cancer Support, Age UK Barnet, and the cardiology unit at Barnet Hospital.

During the meeting at Hendon Town Hall, the new mayor also thanked the outgoing mayor, saying she had carried the “Barnet baton even further along the path of social integration”.

He added: “Our outgoing mayor Nagus Narenthira excelled in her enthusiasm, energy, commitment of time, compassion and her ability to integrate with all sections of our Barnet communities.”

Cllr Vourou was born in Tottenham, to first-generation Cypriot parents, and in 1973 moved to Barnet where he has lived ever since. He has been a school governor for the past 27 years at two Barnet primary schools, and is involved in a number of local associations including Cypriot diaspora associations. He was elected as a local councillor for Brunswick Park in May 2022.

Fellow ward councillor, Paul Lemon, nominated Cllr Vourou for the role. Cllr Lemon said: “It was an honour to stand with Tony for election in the Brunswick Park ward in 2022 and subsequently represent residents alongside him in his chamber. 

“I have the utmost respect for Tony as I have come to realise why he has such a good reputation given his tireless voluntary work over the years, his devotion to friends and family and is renowned in the local community.”

Guilia Monasterio, the third Brunswick ward councillor, seconded the nomination.

She said: “I certainly echo all the comments made by my fellow councillor Paul Lemon. Tony is a man who cares for his community and has always approached his local work with integrity and enthusiasm. 

“I was instantly taken aback by his kindness, patience, his passion to champion diversity and his keenness to be involved in supporting the community. 

“For anyone who has had the pleasure of canvassing with Tony his ability to relate and speak to residents is often unmatched. 

“He is active with casework often first to volunteer to put himself forward for community events, he is always willing to speak up, and he makes sure residents’ views are heard.”

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