Community News

Finchley Foodbank seeks trustees

Could you be a new Trustee of Finchley Foodbank?

A selection of tins, jars, packets and bottles of food - in green containers at a foodbank
Credit – Radar

Do you want to make a real contribution to your community? Do you have skills and experience in communications, finance, fundraising, or digital strategy? If so, you might be the perfect candidate to join the board of trustees of Finchley Foodbank.

The role of trustee is very important and involves overseeing the strategic direction, governance, and management of the Finchley Foodbank charity. As a trustee, you will be expected to attend regular trustee meetings and participate in decision-making. Trustees also support fundraising and publicity efforts and contribute to the development and implementation of the charity’s vision, mission, and values.

While the trustee role is voluntary and unpaid, it is immensely rewarding to be involved with Finchley Foodbank which provides a vital service to many people in our community. The time commitment is about 6 hours per month, plus occasional events and activities. The term of office is 3 years, renewable once.

Chair of Trustees Dipo Oyewole said ‘We are proud of the way that we run the Finchley Foodbank and of the work that our current trustees have done to get our new charity up and running over the past eighteen months. Now we need to add some additional skills and we are keen that our Board of Trustees better reflects the range of clients who come to the Foodbank. This will help us to make sure that we provide the best service that we can to all of our clients.’

The skills Finchley Foodbank is especially looking for include fundraising, grant writing, IT implementation and policies, finance, and communications. There is also a role for community engagement and partnership building – could you be the public face of the Finchley Foodbank?

Finchley Foodbank is committed to diversity and inclusion will welcome applications from people of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities. Your English must be fluent enough to read formal documents and contribute to the discussion but if you are not familiar with the role of trustee, there will be support available for you.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and a cover letter explaining why you want to join Finchley Foodbank and what skills and experience you can bring to the board. The deadline for applications is Sunday 24th March 2024. Your application should be sent to [email protected].

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